How to Conserve Weed and Save Money

A cannabis leaf resting on a one-hundred-dollar bill

For cannabis users, one of the best ways to save money is by learning how to conserve weed. With the rising cost of living, everyone is looking for the best ways to save a buck.

While people complain about “prices at the pump,” stoners know that prices in the pipe can hit just as hard. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the best ways to conserve your weed.

Check out the tips below to stretch your stash and make the most out of every gram.

Shop Dispensary Deals

One simple strategy to stretch your stash is to become a bud bargain hunter. Many shops offer deep discounts on high-quality products. These offers are a great way to conserve weed. You’ll keep your bong and your bank account full.

Ask your local dispensary if they offer daily deals or promotions. These discounts will help you bring home way more bud for your buck, and you won’t have to sacrifice quality. They might even turn you on to different strains or types of cannabis products you’ve never considered before!

Ditch Joints for Pipes

A great way of conserving weed is reconsidering how to smoke it. Though rolling a joint is a time-honored tradition, it isn’t doing your pocketbook any favors. Simply put, joints are smoking—whether you are or not. Every second your paper burns, you’re wasting cannabis.

Glass pipes are much more efficient than joints or blunts. You have more control over the smoke and use less flower in a bowl than a joint. If glass pipes are too expensive, a simple one-hitter does the same trick. They might be cheap, but you’ll be surprised at their potent effect.

Buy Buds in Bulk

A woman rolling a joint on a table covered in cannabis

Daily smokers know how to buy weed in bulk to help conserve their financial resources. Of course, buying buds in bulk won’t make an ounce any larger than it already is, but it will lower the price significantly.

Conventional weed wisdom states that the smaller the package, the more you pay. That’s why you don’t pay twice as much for a quarter as an eighth, even though it’s double the amount.

To save money and get the most bud for your buck, treat your dispensary like a cannabis Costco. Invest in an air-tight glass container and stash your ounce in a dry, dark, and cool place.

Grow Your Own

Learning how to grow your own marijuana is one of the most effective ways to conserve weed. While the initial investment in time and equipment might seem daunting, the long-term benefits will make up for it.

A cannabis plant produces up to a pound of flower. That’s over 400 grams of weed, or nearly 16 ounces. That’s enough to roll 600 joints. And that’s just one plant. In California, it’s legal to grow six.


Edibles aren’t just delicious—they’re an easy way to conserve weed. Because of laws surrounding the production and packaging of edibles, you know exactly how much THC you’re getting in each gummy bear or brownie. Knowing the milligrams in each serving will help you dial your cannabis intake into an exact science.

Most servings start at five milligrams of THC. Depending on your tolerance, you can eat more or less to adjust the dosage. This approach makes parsing out the high from food much easier than flower, creating less waste. How you ingest weed goes a long way toward conserving it.


Similar to purchasing edibles, cooking at home with cannabutter is a great way to conserve weed. While you won’t have as much control over the dosage as you do with a store-bought edible, this process will allow you to take advantage of weed that might not usually meet your smoking standard.

Think of this as cooking wine. When you get a great deal on lower-shelf cannabis, harsh tokes aren’t how to best conserve weed. Instead, make cannabutter and turn everything from alfredo sauce to cosmic brownies into a secret stoner recipe. And to top it off, you take care of the munchies while you get high!

Infuse Your Bud

Considering the strength of your weed plays a role in how to conserve it. The stronger your cannabis, the less you’ll need. That’s why infusing your bud with concentrates or kief can kick it up a few notches and save you a few bills along the way!

Most weed grinders have a bottom chamber that catches kief⏤the fine dust from your buds. Because kief is primarily trichomes, this dust is full of psychoactive properties. Sprinkling some in a joint or on top of a bowl will give your hits extra power.

Topping bowls with concentrate is another way to conserve weed by making more potent cannabis. At Westwood Farmacy, we sell many pre-rolls that contain infused flower. Some of these joints even tip the scales with over 50% THC.

Consult Your Budtender

A customer standing in front of a budtender

Budtenders are a great resource for tips on how to conserve weed. They can point you to the best deals, making sure that you still get the best quality cannabis while stretching your dollar. By providing expertise mixed with personal experience, they’re an untapped resource for stoners who want to keep costs down while getting high.

The budtenders at Westwood Farmacy are all about good vibes and customer service. Contact us with questions, and one of our budtenders will hook you up with all the answers you need, including those about the best ways to conserve weed.

Last Call to Save Your Weed

When figuring out how to conserve weed, it’s nice to know that many methods will help your marijuana last. Just because life gets expensive doesn’t mean you should have to give up the relaxing qualities of a smoking session.

If anything, cannabis will help mellow your concerns over rising prices. Visit our Westwood dispensary and shop some of the best deals in the area. Medical patients and UCLA students can enjoy a 10% discount. Order online, and pick up in store!

SMThe Farmacy Westwood