Can You Smoke Weed Stems? Things To Know Before You Try

Marijuana leaves on the stem

For all the buzz surrounding sticky buds and potent concentrates, sometimes the stems, the backbone of the marijuana plant, get lost in the shuffle. They’re trash to some and a big question for others: Can you smoke weed stems?

Some stoners swear it’s perfectly fine to smoke weed stems. This practice is one way some smokers try to conserve their weed. However, every idea sounds good after a few bong hits. That’s why we put down the pipe long enough to shine some light on this unsung part of the pot.

Maximizing the potential of the marijuana plant will help you get the most from your favorite strains. Let’s put the rumors and whispers to rest and finally decide if it’s a good idea to smoke weed stems.

What Are Stems?

Marijuana stems are incredibly important to the plant. Think of them as the circulatory system for weed—they help water and nutrients get to the leaves. This outsized role makes them arguably the most essential part of the plant. Without stems, there’s no smoke!

However, stems have a different design than nugs because of their function. Their fibrous design doesn’t have as high a concentration of trichomes, meaning that their overall level of cannabinoids is lower. Cannabinoids contain psychoactive chemicals that give cannabis its desirable effects.

From euphoria to fits of laughter, cannabinoids are essential to the cannabis experience. Unfortunately, weed stems have much fewer cannabinoids than flower.

Can You Smoke Weed Stems?

Cannabis buds surrounding a small glass pipe

Some of you are probably thinking, “Of course, you can smoke weed stems. You can literally smoke anything.” That’s the type of free-thinking that makes the cannabis culture so unique. Necessity is the mother of invention, and grinding stems to smoke has definitely gotten some stoners by in a pinch.

Then again, in the 1960s, a rumor spread that smoking banana peels got you high. Obviously, that was false. Myths surrounding smoking tend to catch on because federal laws have made researching marijuana difficult. Now that we’re finally giving this plant its due, we know more than ever about what it is and how it works in our body.

So, can you smoke weed stems? The short answer is yes. However, it isn’t as cut and dry as that. Let’s examine the quality of your experience when you smoke weed stems.

The Potency Problem

Stems contain THC, which is the chemical compound that creates the high feeling users enjoy from cannabis. However, the amount of THC found in stems is significantly smaller than that of actual buds. If you smoke weed stems alone, chances are you’ll hardly feel high at all.

You would have to load your bowl with way more weed stems than buds to get the same effect. Not only is this ineffective, it’s less enjoyable. Without much in the way of terpenes and flavonoids, the taste of your smoke will suffer.

Drawbacks of Weed Stem Smoke

The amount of cellulose in weed stems can make them a harsh toke. Cellulose conducts heat better than cannabis flower, requiring higher temperatures to burn. The resulting smoke is also hotter, which has a higher potential to irritate your throat and lungs.

Considering the THC levels of stems, you’ll also have to smoke a lot of them for the desired effect. After all that piping hot, lousy-tasting smoke gave you a buzz, your throat would be on fire and your head would be pounding. One of the most common complaints about weed stem smoke is the headaches it causes.

You can smoke weed stems, but it isn’t fun, relaxing, or relieving in any way—which is the whole point of cannabis!

Alternative Ways to Use Stems

Deep green marijuana plants and stems

Just because you can’t smoke weed stems doesn’t mean they’re useless. Holding onto them can help you maximize marijuana’s potential benefits. Here are a few fun things you can do to get the most from that bag of stems.


The process of decarboxylation is essential when using cannabis for cooking. It’s a mouthful to say, but the idea is simple. By heating marijuana plant material, you extract and activate THC.

To decarb your stems, break them into small sticks and place them evenly on a cooking tray. Then, bake them for thirty minutes at 220 degrees Fahrenheit while checking to ensure they don’t burn. That’s it! Now they’re ready to be ground up for cannabutter or oil recipes.


A relaxing weed tea is an excellent option for those with a large stash of stems. While the low THC content of stems will require that you use approximately 1/8 cup of them for every cup of water, it’s sure to produce a psychoactive effect.

For best results, use decarbed stems when brewing your tea. A binding agent like milk is also essential to help the THC get into your bloodstream. Boil your stems, water, and milk for ten minutes while continuously stirring. Then, add your favorite teabag and let it steep to taste.

Get Creative

Who says you have to ingest the stems at all? After a few puffs of a cerebral strain, you can let your inner artists out! Just like bottle cap or wine cork art, the only limit to the visual art you can make with stems is your own imagination.

Stems can be functional, too. Use them as compost in your garden, fashion them into toothpicks, or even use them for skewers for a 420-themed barbecue.

Weed Stem Smoke Is A Harsh Toke

Waste not, want not—especially when it comes to pot! Just because we don’t think you should smoke weed stems doesn’t mean you should throw them out. Hang on to this vital part of the plant and do something creative! After all, projects can be especially entertaining after taking a few hits.

You won’t feel the need to smoke cannabis stems with the money you’ll save shopping at our Westwood dispensary. From our daily deals to our 420 Rewards Program, we ensure your stash is plentiful. Visit us today for premium products at unbeatable prices, or shop our online menu for convenient in-store pickup!

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